
The failure taboo: entrepreneurs admit what happens when it all goes wrong

May 9, 2019

The life of the entrepreneur has never been so celebrated — or so commonplace. But rarely does the daily reality that most entrepreneurs battle with receive much attention: the work, the intense stress — and the inevitable failures.

One debate in the entrepreneurial community is whether start-ups are best launched by partners, or even whole teams, rather than individuals who must bear the stresses alone.

“The idea of the hero entrepreneur is not something we believe in,” says Tim Mills, investment director at the Angel CoFund. “It’s about building the teams and making sure the emotional support and resilience around a founder is there . . . we see that as part of our role as investors. I can think of few occupations that are so demanding. As a founder you are carrying a tremendous amount of responsibility — hopes and dreams.”

You can read the full story on the Financial Times website here

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