Indicative Legal Terms
When making investments the Angel CoFund (CoFund), as a co-investment fund, will generally look to adhere to existing legal documentation (Articles of Association of the Company, Shareholders Agreements or Subscription Agreements etc.), providing that documentation meets the minimum standards required by the CoFund. The terms set out in the link below provide an indication of the types of rights and protections that the CoFund would generally expect to see in order to invest in a Company. Most of the items below are industry standard protections for minority investors, or reflect industry best practice for governance; however a small number are specific to the CoFund in order to support its internal governance.
All decisions to invest are subject to approval by the CoFund’s independent Investment Committee.
Download our indicative legal terms here.
Looking for Investment?
If you are looking for investment for your business or would benefit from a co-investment partner to work with your syndicate, then please do get in touch.
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