Brexit: What London business leaders are saying after the triggering of Article 50
March 29, 2017
“Although there’s a inevitable sense of uncertainty surrounding Brexit, today’s triggering of Article 50 should not eclipse the golden opportunity for British businesses to flourish. Digital disruptions is driving change across the global economy and the UK’s exceptional track record for innovation continues to make it ideally placed to benefit.
“The recent Tech Nation 2017 report revealed that the UK’s digital tech industries now contribute a gargantuan £97bn to our economy, and the UK enjoyed £6.8bn in tech investment last year—despite the result of the EU Referendum. These statistics instil confidence for a post-Brexit future where innovative high-growth businesses will generate ever greater value – providing a positive outcome which can too easily be lost amongst the headline grabbing challenges.
“For investors it’s crucial to stay focussed on the bigger opportunity and continue to back bold investments that can become the engine of tomorrow’s post-Brexit Britain. Specifically we need to continue to work together with individuals and institutions, using syndication to enhance investment prospects and spread the risk.
“A model that allows a more extensive range of companies to be supported with a greater supply of finance across the UK. Undoubtedly, something our economy needs as we approach this uncharted territory.”
Read the full article on the BDaily website here